result count: 5

Sys420798_nameA Shark's Request
Sys420798_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, do you have free time?\n\nThe [<S>100441|Crystal Lizards], [<S>100439|Poisonous Cave Scorpions], and [<S>100440|Mineral Scorpions] here have treasures on them.\n\n[<S>201435|Exquisite Crystal Ore] can be found on [<S>100441|Crystal Lizards], because they always eat the them in the Big Dig and a blood serum can be made from the poison of the two types of scorpions.\n\nHowever, I work too slowly. If you help me collect 10 [<S>201435|Exquisite Crystal Ore] and 15 [<S>201436|Scorpion Venoms], I will buy them from you.
Sys420798_szquest_complete_detailGreat! This is all high quality stuff.\n\nHere. As mentioned before, I will buy these from you. Here, take your reward!
Sys420798_szquest_descHelp profiteer [110945|Paiji] of [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig] collect 15 [<S>201436|Scorpion Venoms] and 10 [<S>201435|Exquisite Crystal Ore].
Sys420798_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo quickly! They need to be sold soon!