result count: 5

Sys420836_nameMaterials for a Body Amulet
Sys420836_szquest_accept_detailWell, let's start making that [201837|Grounding Amulet].\n\nI will also need a [201695|Giant Antler Reindeer Horn], an [201696|Ystra Ferret Interwing Membrane], and a [201697|Shaggy Snow Bear Claw]. After we get these things, I can start to make the amulet for you.
Sys420836_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your effort with this. I will start to make the amulet.
Sys420836_szquest_descCollect a [201695|Giant Antler Reindeer Horn], an [201696|Ystra Ferret Interwing Membrane], and a [201697|Shaggy Snow Bear Claw]. Then report back to [110974|Jenny Norley].
Sys420836_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe must get those three things before we can make the amulet.