result count: 5

Sys420894_nameTestimony to Bravery
Sys420894_szquest_accept_detailThis can't be!\n\nIt just can't be! She didn't like even the [203730|Twinkling Winter Spider Silk Gland]. It's so hard to obtain, but not enough to win her favor...\n\nHave I been taking entirely the wrong approach?\n\nNow I think more carefully, she is herself so beautiful. Why would she want such second-rate things. How do I prove myself... How do I prove my bravery?\n\nI know! I will show her that I am dependable and reliable!\n[<S>100365|Sea of Snow Cyclopes] are feared by many men. Especially if they're carrying one of their fearsome bats. If I could defeat one and take its weapon, wouldn't that prove I'm stronger than them!\n\nBut you know...friend...I think we have already reached a nice silent agreement already, don't you think?\n\nI'm sure you will do this as an act of friendship for me. Take a [203739|Scary Giant's Weapon] from those monsters. Make sure you be careful!
Sys420894_szquest_complete_detailThat must have been hard work. Are you all right? Oh! Be careful! Don't let the blood stain the snow that my queen is on.
Sys420894_szquest_descSteal a [203739|Scary Giant's Weapon] from one of the [<S>100365|Sea of Snow Cyclopes].
Sys420894_szquest_uncomplete_detailSteal a [203739|Scary Giant's Weapon] from one of the [<S>100365|Sea of Snow Cyclopes]. When you defeat them, be careful that it doesn't get broken. I don't want a broken one. Please collect a perfect and complete one.