result count: 8

SC_421032_0[114876|Zhud]...So this is how you're dumping me?
SC_421032_1How dare you dump me just before the wedding?
SC_421032_2I'm going to live it up baby! I'm going to be so much happier with you gone.
Sys421032_nameCollect Scattered Wood
Sys421032_szquest_accept_detailDon't ask me what I saw. That day when the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp] was attacked, some friends and I were on holiday. We were in the [114828|Pig in a Pond] filling ourselves with ale. We had no idea that most of the people in the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp] had already...already...\n\nLook, we few are the only ones left in the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp]. In addition to the daily gathering work, we also have to rebuild the camp. We're so busy, we don't even have time to grieve for our friends who died here.\n\nCan you help me collect some scattered wood? This rotten wood can't be used to build houses or furniture. It can only be burned as [206756|Firewood], but at least it can be sold for a little money to be distributed amongst the families of the dead. Of course, you'll be given your compensation.
Sys421032_szquest_complete_detailThank you. We can't give you a lot. Please forgive us.\n\nOnce the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp] is rebuilt, things will get better.
Sys421032_szquest_descCollect 10 bundles of [206756|Firewood] and give them to [114418|Herb George].
Sys421032_szquest_uncomplete_detailDamn, I'll never hear Old John play his ukulele or Smelly Billy's bad jokes again (sob)...\n\nHandsome [114876|Zhud] hasn't married the sexy [114432|Jenn Shuful]. Everyone was waiting for the wedding party...why...why...