result count: 5

Sys421139_nameDelivering the Tools
Sys421139_szquest_accept_detailOh! I'm sorry! I'm just doing some extracting. I don't have time to leave here, so could you take the [202342|Analyzing Device] and give it to [111121|Jacob] for me?\n\n[202342|Analyzing Device] is in the box. Help yourself!
Sys421139_szquest_complete_detail[111122|Moa] couldn't leave?\n\nGood. Thank you for bringing these. Now I can continue my research.
Sys421139_szquest_descTake the [202342|Analyzing Device] to [ZONE_MULGRUM LOOKOUT|Ice Dwarf Outpost] and give it to the biologist [111121|Jacob].
Sys421139_szquest_uncomplete_detailI know my tools are heavy, but it has been a while now. [111122|Moa] should be here soon.