result count: 5

Sys421185_nameProve Your Strength
Sys421185_szquest_accept_detailThe Highland Cyclopes are vicious predators of this land. Except the Minotaurs, who are stronger, all other creatures are their prey. What makes me angry is that yesterday when I was collecting herbs near their base, they suddenly tried to attack me! Fortunately I transported straight away and escaped unharmed. \nI want to teach them a lesson though. That way they'll know who's in charge. Make the [<S>100269|Cyclopes] of the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley] your targets while their main force lies in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. But if you like a challenge, then you can fight them all together.
Sys421185_szquest_complete_detail([111230|Anna] nods her head)\nLooks like the Cyclopes got the warning they deserved.
Sys421185_szquest_desc[111154|Anna] of [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower] wants you to go and teach the [<S>100269|Cyclopes] in the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley] a lesson and obtain 20 [<S>202505|Horns].
Sys421185_szquest_uncomplete_detailTo return to the village on time for supplies is also very important. Now go for it!