result count: 5

Sys421188_nameBerhu Specimen
Sys421188_szquest_accept_detailI think you must have noticed the Berhu creatures. The Minotaurs domesticate them and use them as pets. This is a great threat for us. Therefore, I want to understand them more. Help me by collecting samples of blood from the [<S>100354|Wild Berhus]. You can find them west of [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower] and in [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley].
Sys421188_szquest_complete_detailYou are such a good person!
Sys421188_szquest_desc[111154|Anna] in [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower] wants you to collect 20 samples of [202365|Berhu Blood].
Sys421188_szquest_uncomplete_detailPerhaps you feel sorry for the Berhu?