result count: 22

SC_421273_1Look, it's the newest knight in training! Watch him swagger!
SC_421273_11Newbie... Let's do him in!
SC_421273_12Kid, prepare to meet your maker. Nobody twisted your arm into joining the Lionheart Knights!
SC_421273_13There's two of us and one of him. Surround him!
SC_421273_14Taking out this newbie's going to be easy!
SC_421273_15Don't talk, get him!
SC_421273_16Heh heh! Bumping into us was his first mistake!
SC_421273_17But it's only a little rookie...come play with uncle...
SC_421273_2Hey! Somebody's coming!
SC_421273_21Me? I didn't do anything! Leave me alone!
SC_421273_22I'm not here to meet friends. I'm here to ambush knights in training...
SC_421273_23What are you looking at? You going to stop me?
SC_421273_24I didn't see you, you didn't see me...
SC_421273_3Check out all that equipment! That new knight in training looks ripe for the picking.
SC_421273_4Get out of here. Someone's coming.
SC_421273_5Brother! The person on's okay, it's not crazy [114368|"Iron Rose" Iswan].
SC_421273_6See who it is? It's that newly appointed knight in training, ha ha!
Sys421273_nameDaily Patrol
Sys421273_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], we carry on our shoulders responsibility and glory. The safety of the people of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] is in our hands.\n\nDon't underestimate our daily patrols. Our existence not only puts the citizens at ease, it also acts as a deterrent to bad guys.\n\nNext, you must go to each patrol station and check in, then return here to find me. That constitutes one patrol. Go, soldier.
Sys421273_szquest_complete_detailIs everything quiet? You have a handle on it? Very good!
Sys421273_szquest_descGo to each patrol station of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] and sign in, then return and report to [114420|Sueke Haragen].
Sys421273_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen patrolling you have to see and hear everything!