result count: 5

Sys421276_nameFerocious Giant Sewer Rats
Sys421276_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], go into the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers] and kill the giant rats. Bring back 5 stinking [<S>206393|Giant Rat Tails] to me.\n\nYes, you heard right. I want you to go kill those dirty [<S>103533|Giant Sewer Rats].\n\nThese animals running all over the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers] making holes everywhere is troubling the residents of the outer city. More importantly, the plague is often associated with rodent outbreaks. As Lionheart Knights, we must nip all threats to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] in the bud.\n\nYou heard me. What are you waiting for? Waiting for the sky to rain gold coins? Move your butt, lift your legs, and get down into the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers]!
Sys421276_szquest_complete_detailThese [<S>103533|Giant Sewer Rats] are reproducing quickly. If you have time, kill a few extra.
Sys421276_szquest_descKill [<S>103533|Giant Sewer Rats] and bring back [<S>206393|Giant Rat Tails] to [114420|Sueke Haragen].
Sys421276_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't tell me you're scared of those rats. You're a soldier of the Lionheart Knights. Straighten up your weak backbone and bring me back 5 [<S>206393|Giant Rat Tails]!