result count: 5

Sys421297_nameBerhu Meat
Sys421297_szquest_accept_detailIt's you! The lucky adventurer! You're just in time to be a part of the world's first and greatest cooking extravaganza!\n\nWhat? You don't know what I mean? I'll tell you simply. I am the legendary chef, [111247|Blazing Kaiser]. The Ystra [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] is rich in cooking materials which I want to tap into. I want to make a dish which is perfectly suited for this climate. assistant wasn't very careful when crossing the mountain pass and twisted his ankle. Now he's totally useless to me.\n\nI can already see that you're quite capable so I know that you can help me! Get me 20 [<S>202508|Berhu Loins]! Just remember that only the Berhu which inhabit [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] meet my requirements. Not those little critters that hide in the woods. Now hurry! Get me what I want!
Sys421297_szquest_complete_detailPerfect! You're not like that useless assistant of mine. I didn't expect you to get this much! I'll be able to make a really delicious hotpot.
Sys421297_szquest_descFrom the [<S>100367|Sea of Snow Berhus] on [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] collect 20 [<S>202508|Berhu Loins] and give them to [111247|Blazing Kaiser].
Sys421297_szquest_uncomplete_detailAh! The soup is almost boiling! Where's that meat I asked you to get?