result count: 5

Sys421298_nameSnow Ferret Tails
Sys421298_szquest_accept_detailThank you for finding me such good ingredients. But I think to rely on one kind of ingredient isn't enough to create a flavor to represent the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands]...\n\nI don't know if you've had a chance to examine the beautiful and strong tail of the [100124|Ystra Snow Ferret]. I've never seen another animal which is able to prop itself up with its tail... \nThere is definitely something special in that tail. I bet that this special thing can be transformed into a great flavor never tasted before. I don't believe that I can fail, but I should spend some more time preparing this new ingredient just to be on the safe side...\n\nI just need you to collect 20 [<S>202509|Tails] from the [<S>100124|Ystra Snow Ferrets] gallivanting in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. I'll reward you!
Sys421298_szquest_complete_detailWow! If you hadn't told me I would never have believed that these were their tails. They're so elastic! Perfect! I will start cooking them now!
Sys421298_szquest_descFrom the [<S>100124|Ystra Snow Ferrets] on the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] collect 20 [<S>202509|Tails] and give them to [111247|Blazing Kaiser].
Sys421298_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere must be something special in those tails...?