result count: 5

Sys421302_nameThe Illusionary Flame Dish
Sys421302_szquest_accept_detailThanks to the all new flavors you've brought back, the smells coming out of this pot are just divine! (even if I say so myself). But in order to be called a great chef, a cook cannot neglect the final steps! I still have a few finishing touches to make to this dish, so I need to ask you to get me 15 [<S>202512|Fire Glands] from [<S>100369|Fire-eyed Snow Ferrets] on the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. They say they are the secret of how the [<S>100369|Fire-eyed Snow Ferrets] maintain their luxuriant red hair color living in this frozen wasteland. This really is my final request. Please! Kind adventurer...
Sys421302_szquest_complete_detailWell! Let me see...uh... using these [<S>202512|Fire Glands] I think this concoction should keep boiling for some time, even in this frozen climate. Now, let me complete the final stage...
Sys421302_szquest_descCollect 15 [<S>202512|Fire Glands] from the [<S>100369|Fire-eyed Snow Ferrets] on the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and give them to [111247|Blazing Kaiser].
Sys421302_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis is just one step. You don't want to give up? Youth...