result count: 5

Sys421311_nameHighlands Threat II
Sys421311_szquest_accept_detailExcellent...This will be an obstacle to those Cyclopes...Anyway who we really want to be up against is those [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn] Minotaurs...\n\n[110703|Hals'] plan to let the Minotaurs and the Cyclopes fight it out is certainly good... but this isn't a permanent solution. One of the smarter Minotaurs will definitely work out what we're up to...\n\nI want to stop these Minotaurs from getting any closer to [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. The only way to do that is by hurting them! Have you seen any [<S>100271|Minotaur Patrolmen] in the area? They're definitely scouting in preparation for their next push forward. We need to hinder them...and at least slow their progress...\n\nSo I'm going to ask for your help again. Kill 20 [<S>100271|Minotaur Patrolmen]. That will at least slow their advance...
Sys421311_szquest_complete_detailYou...You did it? ...Wow...great...then...then we can...proceed... but...I think...I\n\n([111270|Hogan] looks very tired...He closes his eyes...and falls into a deep sleep...)
Sys421311_szquest_descKill 20 [<S>100271|Minotaur Patrolmen] and then report back to the [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower] commander [111270|Hogan].
Sys421311_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe...Be careful... of those Minotaur Berhu...It's just...they hurt me...hurt me this badly...\n\n([111270|Hogan] falls into a feverish state again.)