result count: 5

Sys421364_nameFluid Extraction
Sys421364_szquest_accept_detailI'll tell you a secret. I have thought of a way that people can pass freely through [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive]. It's smell!\n\nMyrmex rely on smell to distinguish each other. If we get the juices from their body, then we can rub it on our human bodies and pretend to be Myrmex! I need some fluid from their bodies for my experiments!\n\nBut I warn you - that won't be easy.\n\nHow about this! You go and collect some [<S>202751|Myrmex Abdomens], and I will make the extraction.
Sys421364_szquest_complete_detailWell... If we would help each other with resources, then it would be much easier!\n\nI really want to get materials directly from the Order of Dark Glory ecology research team... but their informations are not open to the general public!
Sys421364_szquest_descCollect 20 [<S>202751|Myrmex Abdomens] and bring them to [111314|Eric].
Sys421364_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Myrmex hive is that way! Don't tell me you don't know where it is!