result count: 5

Sys421365_nameFailed Experiment
Sys421365_szquest_accept_detailThe last experiment failed. When I smeared myself with the extract and walked into the Myrmex hive, the [<S>100432|Kal Turok Worker Myrmex] picked me up and carried me out. They then dropped me in a pile of dead Myrmex bodies.\n\nI suspect it has something to do with the smell. When Myrmex die they secrete a certain smell, and the extract we used last time happens to have come from dead Myrmex.\n\nThis time, I want you to take this apparatus. It extracts the fluid directly from the Myrmex's body.\n\nI also want you to collect [202758|Myrmex Fluid] from high ranking Myrmex!\n\n[<S>100434|Kal Turok King Myrmex]? Seeing your confidence, I know you won't let me down.
Sys421365_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! My experiment can go ahead!
Sys421365_szquest_desc[111314|Eric] wants you to use the [202752|Liquid-extraction Machine] to extract 20 portions of [<S>202758|Myrmex Fluid] from [<S>100434|Kal Turok King Myrmex].