result count: 5

Sys421389_nameLover's Blessing
Sys421389_szquest_accept_detailDid you know that there is a saying in our tribe: Soaking [<S>202796|Wing feathers] of [<S>100663|Crows] with your lover's blood and dipping it into holy water will bring good luck for a whole year! \n\nCan you help me get some[<S>202796|Wing feathers] from [<S>100663|Crows], I would like to bless [110848|Geris].
Sys421389_szquest_complete_detailEven if there's a yearning...It's impossible...
Sys421389_szquest_descHelp [111312|Benni] get 15 [<S>202796|Wing feathers] from [<S>100663|Crows] at [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp].