result count: 5

Sys421390_nameWatch From Afar
Sys421390_szquest_accept_detailThis is the [202797|Lucky Charm] that I prepared for him. Please bring this to him and tell him that my spirit will always be with him. The almighty Wind God will bring my longing to him and bring his back to me!\n\nPlease ask him to forgive me for not being able to drop my responsibilities and leave, just like he can't give up his freedom.
Sys421390_szquest_complete_detailIs your soul at my side?\n\nYou know... My tears are overflowing [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lake Ousul], not knowing when they will dry up...
Sys421390_szquest_descHelp [111312|Benni] bring [202797|Lucky Charm] to [110848|Geris] in the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold].
Sys421390_szquest_uncomplete_detail[111312|Benni]...\n\nThere is a longing that you may never realize...