result count: 5

Sys421397_nameAnnoying Ants
Sys421397_szquest_accept_detailThe scorpions and the lizards in the mines are already enough trouble; a few days ago, who knows what rocks they dug around in, but a whole bunch of giant ants appeared. Those Myrmex are so fierce that we had to stop the mining.\n\nIf this continues, the mines will go to waste! Please help me go down to the mines and get rid of those scary ants. It's impossible to completely annihilate the ants, but at least decrease their number some.
Sys421397_szquest_complete_detailThank you so much, Adventurer.
Sys421397_szquest_descHelp [110901|Borst] kill 15 [<S>100880|Young Kal Turok Myrmex].
Sys421397_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhere did all these Myrmex come from?