result count: 5

Sys421412_nameInvestigating the Totem Notches
Sys421412_szquest_accept_detailThere are sawtooth-like notches on the worship totem...?!\n\n([111312|Benni] enters into deep thought looking at the replica...)\n\nAs to my understanding, the only ones who use this type of weapon are the [<S>100882|Treasure-Hunting Thieves] in the [ZONE_RED VALLEY|Red Valley].\n\nOf course, we can't just randomly suspect other people. Please get the [<S>202782|Personal Knife] from those treasure thieves. If they won't lend you their knives, I believe you know a little more "direct" method...\n\nLooks like I need to thoroughly investigate this.
Sys421412_szquest_complete_detailThat's right, this type of knife.\n\nThose thieves didn't give you a hard time, did they?
Sys421412_szquest_descGet a [202782|Personal Knife] from a [100882|Treasure-Hunting Thief].
Sys421412_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe King of the Lake's envoy didn't come to get the offering...\n\nI hope he didn't get angry because of the vandalism of the totem.