result count: 4

Sys421413_nameThe Shaman's Anger
Sys421413_szquest_accept_detail([111312|Benni] puts the small knife into the notch, finding it to be a perfect fit.)\n\n(You see [111312|Benni's] face change immediately!)\n\nNot only have those thieves been invading [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height] and [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp's] treasures, but now they are also destroying worship totems.\n\nIt's time to punish them!\n\nPlease capture the treasure hunting [100883|Thief Boss] and teach him a lesson.\n\nThe [100883|Thief Boss] is very sneaky; he usually hides and depends on others for protection. If you don't take care of his underlings first, the [100883|Thief Boss] won't show himself.
Sys421413_szquest_complete_detailThat's enough... stop fighting!\n\nNegotiate... Please let's negotiate...
Sys421413_szquest_descHelp [111312|Benni] teach treasure hunting [100883|Thief Boss] a lesson.