result count: 5

Sys421417_nameMaking a Necklace of Hope
Sys421417_szquest_accept_detailI broke up with [110322|Sabelia] thinking that it would be better for her. But I couldn't stop the urge to see her, to the point of sneaking into Obsidian Stronghold.\n\nIt's obvious that my decision to end things has caused both of us pain as [110322|Sabelia] hasn't been living happily. Please go collect 10 [<S>202783|Red Tear Gems] from [<S>100661|Female Withered Souls] and [<S>100662|Male Withered Souls] or from [<S>100437|Mummified Women] and [<S>100438|Mummified Men] at northern [ZONE_MESA OF THE FALLEN|Mesa of the Fallen]. Although that land is full of blood and curses, legend says that the spirits carry blessed [<S>202783|Red Tear Gems] that represented their hopes for the future before dying. I want to make a necklace for [110322|Sabelia], to forever be with her.
Sys421417_szquest_complete_detailSeeing these beautiful [<S>202783|Red Tear Gems] warms my whole heart.
Sys421417_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>202783|Red Tear Gems] from northern [ZONE_MESA OF THE FALLEN|Mesa of the Fallen] for [110336|Darhill Chisom].
Sys421417_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat should I do to bring [110322|Sabelia] happiness?