result count: 7

SC_421438_0Hmm? Strange. My throat feels very tight? Is this a special medicine?
SC_421438_1Oh! I understand! Alice wanted me to protect my throat by give it some time to rest. She is so sweet! Must be my fan.
SC_421438_2Once my throat feels better, I will sing a song just for her...
Sys421438_nameThe Magical Medicine
Sys421438_szquest_accept_detailAhh, the medicine's finally ready! Please take this bottle of [202832|Miraculous Potion] to [110470|Woody Woods]!
Sys421438_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help! Now I won't need to worry about overusing my vocal chords again!
Sys421438_szquest_descTake the [202832|Miraculous Potion] to [110470|Woody Woods].