result count: 5

Sys421456_nameSuspicious-looking Mail
Sys421456_szquest_accept_detail(You notice a [202888|Suspicious-looking Letter] in your mailbox. It has a strange pattern on it that you've never seen before. Perhaps you should show this to [110216|Winsil].)
Sys421456_szquest_complete_detail([110216|Winsil] gazes at the pattern on the mail, as he mumbles to himself.)\n\nDoesn't this pattern belong to that organization? Surely then, the purpose of this letter is not innocent... Either way, thank you for notifying me! This is very important!
Sys421456_szquest_descGive the [202888|Suspicious-looking Letter] to [110216|Winsil] in [ZONE_PILSTEIN FIELDS|Peerston Farm].
Sys421456_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou say you've found something odd in the mail. What's odd about it? Show me.