result count: 5

Sys421591_nameLeaving Hope
Sys421591_szquest_accept_detailWhen will [ZONE_ZIGGERO_VILLAGE|Carforn] be rebuilt? A lot of the young people of our village are unable to cope with being exiles; a lot of them have left [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor], whose villagers took us in, to become bandits. Their bodies are fairly strong, as they were once great farmers...\n\nPerhaps preventing them from wanton looting will bring them back down to earth...will you help this old man? \n\nStop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and teach those [<S>103105|Savage Bandits] a lesson.\n\nPlease remember to go lightly, as they're great farmers...
Sys421591_szquest_complete_detailYoungsters come back!\n\nThis old man still remembers that quiet peaceful time. When can we return to those days again...
Sys421591_szquest_descStop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and defeat 10 [<S>103105|Savage Bandits], then return for your rewards.
Sys421591_szquest_uncomplete_detailWill you help this old man? Stop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and teach those [<S>103105|Savage Bandits] a lesson.\n\nPlease remember to be careful, as they're great farmers...