result count: 10

SC_Q421638_00You ask about the escort.
SC_Q421638_01What? Your captain asked me that same question already.\n\nNothing but trouble! Go back to your captain! I've already told him everything I know.
SC_Q421638_02Take the dagger and ask him again, just like Will told you!
SC_Q421638_03(When [122792|Mark Alaine] spots the dagger, his expression suddenly changes.)\n\nOh, I didn't think you'd go poking your nose in!\n\nAlright, so the escort ran into problems, as you've seen. The <CY>[SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]</CY> ambushed them and took <CY>[122870|Consul Keith]</CY> prisoner.\n\nThe business was top secret from the very beginning. And now something's gone wrong. Obviously the information was somehow leaked.\n\nIt might have gone wrong, but I'm not going to leave it at that. The problem is, who in the camp can I still trust?
SC_Q421638_04Tell him that [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates] are willing to help!
Sys421638_nameThere's No Other Way
Sys421638_szquest_accept_detailGood. I have a plan.\n\nFirst, go to [122792|Mark Alaine] and ask him about the escort. If he's unwilling to talk, then show him this dagger. Tell him that you're going to ask everyone in the camp and that you'll tell them all how you found this dagger with <CY>[SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons']</CY> emblem on it.\n\nIf I'm right, then I bet he'll change his tune once he hears that.
Sys421638_szquest_complete_detail([122792|Mark Alaine] bows his head, deep in thought.)\n\nIf that's the case... maybe it really would be wise to accept your help.\n\nIf there are some <CY>[SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirate]</CY> spies hiding amongst the people in the camp, then you and your group are probably the only people I can really trust.
Sys421638_szquest_descTalk to [122792|Mark Alaine] to glean more information from him.
Sys421638_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? Haven't I already told your captain enough already?