result count: 18

SC_421660_0Are you sure that all your party members are with you and ready for battle?
SC_421660_10You are not party captain or you are not in a party!
SC_421660_11This place is full of poison!
SC_421660_12An ominous energy surrounds the totem pole!
SC_421660_13A great defensive energy stops you from touching the totem pole!
SC_421660_2Not yet.
SC_421660_3It looks like the red feather can help you for a while. Do your party members have red feathers?
SC_421660_4An ominous energy obstructs you from proceeding!
SC_421660_5A great defensive energy stops you from going outside!
SC_421660_6After you pass through the gate, the bone fragment disintegrates and disperses into the atmosphere!
SC_421660_7The [203528|Release Rune] turns to energy and forces a narrow path through the defensive energy!
SC_421660_9The [203529|Red Feather] decomposed and is gone!
Sys421660_nameUnderground Ancient City
Sys421660_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer... would you lend me a hand there?\n\nActually, we, the Ailic's Community, are right now putting much effort into the exploration of the Ystra Labyrinth. We would really need a helping hand there.\n\nCould you please bring this [203545|Letter] to [112040|Divu Warr] from the [SC_205_GOTO_PP0|Reviver's Corridor Entrance Hall].\n\nHe will arrange work for you, this should be a good experience! We hope you join us as soon as possible!\n\nIf you don't know how to get there, don't worry! We already have found a way how to transport directly into the Labyrinth. Just tell me and I will arrange the transport for you.
Sys421660_szquest_complete_detailYou say you're the adventurer [112039|Bila Aido] spoke of?\n\nOh, I see! I understand... Let me tell you more about our work.\n\nOriginally we came here to learn more about the history of the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands].\n\nNot long ago we received [110875|Loca Roco's] message and learned that there's an ancient city buried here, so we decided to study it!\n\nIn the course of our research we ran into a major problem: this place is too vast and we have a serious shortage of manpower.\n\nSo, we sent [112039|Bila Aido] to go and to find adventurers. I am responsible for guidance.
Sys421660_szquest_descSpeak to [112039|Bila Aido] to get your transport to the [SC_205_GOTO_PP0|Reviver's Corridor Entrance Hall], and then hand the [203545|Letter] to [112040|Divu Warr].
Sys421660_szquest_uncomplete_detailWelcome adventurer.\n\nWe just need a helping hand from such an able adventurer like you. You can use the [113047|Ailic's Aide] Transport to get to all the base camps. There you will find people waiting for your help.