result count: 5

Sys421662_nameAncient Rune Technology
Sys421662_szquest_accept_detailI have compared those ancient rune cores taken from the rune guards by [112041|Precila] with these texts found by [112043|Loreabar].\n\nWe can assume that the ancient minotaurs when creating those rune guards have also designed some object in some secret place to control these rune cores.\n\nI have already confirmed that it is inside this room in front of me. Let's call it the [101432|Rune Guardian Leader] for now.\n\nI hope you can find that mechanism by use of which the [101432|Rune Guardian Leader] controls those rune cores.
Sys421662_szquest_complete_detailGood work!\n\nI seem to have seen this kind of rune technology before...\n\nBut where? I'll have to think about it.
Sys421662_szquest_descDefeat the [101432|Rune Guardian Leader] in the [ZONE_HYBORA_LABYRINTH_BOSS_02|Leader's Room] and take the [203546|Rune Compass] to give it to [112042|Damdur] in the [SC_207_GOTO_PP0|Royals' Refuge Entrance Hall].
Sys421662_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou need to have a [203528|Release Rune] to temporarily shut down the barrier of this room. You should find it among the rune guards in the [ZONE_TILEDGN_HYBORA_LABYRINTH_02|Guards' Corridor]