result count: 9

SC_421669You did not find anything.
SC_421669_1[112045|Aymi] ran away right before your eyes!
SC_421669_2You did not find anything suspicious.
SC_421669_3[112045|Aymi] doesn't seem to be in the box.
Sys421669_nameAymi is not food!
Sys421669_szquest_accept_detailThe Kobolds at the [ZONE_THE WRETCHED GROTTO|Barren Caves] are the worst!\n\nOne day I was near the [ZONE_THE WRETCHED GROTTO|Barren Caves] to pick some herbs and the next second [112045|Aymi] was taken away by a Kobold.\n\n[112045|Aymi] is not a normal rabbit. To me it is an important herb finding rabbit. It can smell precious herbs from a mile away!\n\nIf the Kobolds were using [112045|Aymi] as a herb finding rabbit, then it would be fine; but I fear that they might try to eat it!\n\nThese Kobolds have a habit of hiding their food in boxes, please search the boxes and find [112045|Aymi] for me! I hope there is still time left...
Sys421669_szquest_complete_detailYou said [112045|Aymi] ran away the moment you opened the box?\n\nI hope it gets out of the [ZONE_THE WRETCHED GROTTO|Barren Caves] alive. At least it won't become dinner...
Sys421669_szquest_descGo into [ZONE_THE WRETCHED GROTTO|Barren Caves] and open the [112054|Storage Box] containing [112045|Aymi].
Sys421669_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose horrid Kobolds!\n\nMy [112045|Aymi]!\n\nI have to rescue [112045|Aymi] before it becomes the Kobolds' dinner!