result count: 5

Sys421673_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, I've heard about your wonderful adventure ... and I know that you know the secret of the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine].\n\nIn the past, the Order made a bad decision, and the Zurhidon's demon advisor, [100237|Regin], seized the opportunity to occupy the depths of the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine], and erect a barrier there.\n\nWe've tried many ways to enter the shrine and recapture it, but could not break through the barrier ...\n\nIn order to find a way through the barrier, I had my confidant, [112082|Laertes], join a reconnaissance team with a suspicious mercenary and go into the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine] on a mission to find a scroll.\n\nBut I'm worried because the time is up and the team hasn't returned on schedule!\n\n([110326|Lesatya] looks at you sharply, then pats you on the shoulder.)\n\nPerhaps I should send a trustworthy person to help [112082|Laertes]!
Sys421673_szquest_complete_detailOh, you must be the one the commander entrusted with his secret! Otherwise you wouldn't have the special mission sigil on your shoulder.\n\nCome! I'll tell you everything that happened.\n\n([112082|Laertes] looks at you with a somber expression.)\n\nUnder orders from the commander, I joined a reconnaissance team with a collaborator as a member, in order to find a way to lift the seal.\n\nI originally thought that the collaborator would reveal himself, but I didn't expect that he would wait patiently until we returned to attack.\n\nWhen feeding the magic potion to [101501|Yusalien], he moved his hands and feet around, and [101501|Yusalien] didn't fall asleep in time.\n\nBut he forgot one thing - he couldn't control the crazy [101501|Yusalien]. He stood at the front of the team in order to win my trust, but that put him in harm's way, and before he could react he was dead.\n\nThe shocked team members scattered and fled. Seeing this, I decided to come back here to prevent any other collaborators from taking advantage of the confusion and coming here.\n\nThe commander and I originally thought that the collaborator would give up how to open the seal. I never thought he would suddenly ... *sigh* ...
Sys421673_szquest_descEnter the [ZONE_DGN_KLEEON_TEMPLE|Kalin Shrine] and find [112082|Laertes]
Sys421673_szquest_uncomplete_detailI must find a way to lift the seal as soon as possible.\n\nBut it's really vexing!\n\nIs this called outsmarting oneself?\n\n*sigh*