result count: 5

Sys421679_nameBors Ironwall's Plans
Sys421679_szquest_accept_detailDid you talk to the general about saving [112094|Godia]?\n\nI heard this news by word of mouth. Don't worry about the fact that the general seems so apathetic. Actually, he truly cares about the welfare of his subordinates. This is his very reason for being so hesitant about sending troops to save [112094|Godia].\n\nHowever, there is something else I fear. Yesterday, he said he wanted to leave for a while, and he commanded me to prepare to take command of operations at the outpost.\n\nIt seemed to me that he was about eighty-percent decided to go to [ZONE_CITADEL AGRIZA|Cyclops Stronghold] himself and save [112094|Godia].\n\nThis is no surprise. After all, he favors [112094|Godia] more than anyone else......but for the sake of a staff officer, that would be a reckless and impulsive act.\n\nI have another plan, but it requires your aid. If you are willing, then I need you to take this confidential material to General [111073|Bors Ironwall]. Once he's read it, he will know what to do.
Sys421679_szquest_complete_detailHahaha! That bastard [111227|Pelondido]! He has seen right through everything.\n\nThe contents of this message are true......if my plan fails, then I won't be the only loss. It will affect the morale of the entire outpost...... and that will affect the entire war.\n\nSimilarly, losing [112094|Godia] is the same. You can tell just by looking at the faces of the men in her we must go save her.\n\nWe will need your help with this.
Sys421679_szquest_descTake the [203552|Pelondido's Secret Letter] to [111073|Bors Ironwall] at [ZONE_SERGARTH POINT|Sergarth Outpost].
Sys421679_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou want to come talk to me about [112094|Godia] again? I've already decided that this is the best thing to do in regards to the welfare of this outpost as a whole.