result count: 5

Sys421756_nameCursed Dion
Sys421756_szquest_accept_detailHello adventurer. I express my apologies for my inappropriate language. I used such language because I was worried. For me, this heirloom is something that is irreplaceable. It symbolizes the spirit of my family.\n\nBefore this, I hadn't experienced what kind of place [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell] is. I had only heard of the rampant pirates from spoken stories and books. Can you imagine that I traveled through [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] completely defenseless. I was fleeing from trouble the whole way!\n\nLater I was mugged at [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast]. They took my food and money. This amber-colored jade pendant, a family heirloom, was actually sneered at by them because they said it was too much like something a girl would wear!\n\nThere is no way these rash pirates could understand its importance. When their leader grinned and threw it into the Chelon's nest, I swore I truly wanted to throw away my civility and rush into a fight with them, but there was just too many of them!\n\nLuckily I put my traveling bag in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] so I could hire [112280|Seguchi Pierre] to send you to help me get back the [203780|Heirloom Jade Pendant].\n\nThis time, I hire you under the name of the Charlize family to kill that pirate.\n\nI remember them saying the leader's name was [110063|Dion] and his nickname was "Crooked-brow." They often gather in the south-west part of [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove].
Sys421756_szquest_complete_detailYou are an adventurer worthy of trust. I once more represent the Charlize family in giving you this magnificent prize.
Sys421756_szquest_descKill [101631|Crooked-brow Dion] of [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] for [112287|Giani Charlize].
Sys421756_szquest_uncomplete_detailHelp me kill [101631|Crooked-brow Dion] of [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove]. I believe you can do it.