result count: 5

Sys421913_nameRecipe of Hairyfoot
Sys421913_szquest_accept_detailThis looks like a [203879|Dwarf Recipe].\n\nIt emanates strange fragrances that can't be named and are very strong. The person that uses this recipe book must be especially attached to the art of cooking. Only then can he make use of a knowledge like the one documented in this recipe book.\n\nCan you think of someone that might be interested in this [203879|Dwarf Recipe] book? No one other than that crazy ice dwarf researcher [111121|Jacob] ......
Sys421913_szquest_complete_detailA recipe book?\n\n([111121|Jacob] happily skims through the pages of the recipe book )\n\nActually the culinary skills of the ice dwarves are much richer than we imagined.
Sys421913_szquest_descGive the [203879|Dwarf Recipe] book to [111121|Jacob].
Sys421913_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhatever it is you can tell me about the Ice Dwarves I am always very interested to know ...