result count: 6

SC_421917You smoothly grab the [101668|Flame Butterfly].
Sys421917_nameMysterious Magical Formula
Sys421917_szquest_accept_detailThat's annoying! I should have caught a [203912|Flame Butterfly] by now if I want to assemble all the ingredients in this magic formula before big brother gets back. \n\nThis formula was developed by the brilliant sorcerer [100237|Regin] who reigns in the Kolydian mainland. They say it rapidly increases your defense and attack strength! However, it contains one ingredient that I can't get my hands on!\n\nThe ingredient is known as [203912|Flame Butterfly]. It is an organism that derives all its sustenance from the [203911|Essence of Flame]. But try as I might I can never catch the [203912|Flame Butterfly] as it bursts out of the [112342|Flame Cocoon]! \n\nYour skills aren't bad. Could you catch a [101668|Flame Butterfly] for me? I raise the [112342|Flame Cocoon] I bought on a hill in the eastern part of the moat surrounding [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].\n\nThis is [203911|Essence of Flame]. When you sprinkle [203911|Essence of Flame] onto the [112342|Flame Cocoon] the [203912|Flame Butterfly] inside will absorb the nutrients and burst out. That moment is the best chance to catch a [203912|Flame Butterfly].
Sys421917_szquest_complete_detailCool! Now I have that I can move on to the next stage!
Sys421917_szquest_descGo to a hill in the eastern part of the moat surrounding [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]. After finding the [112342|Flame Cocoon], sprinkle it with [203911|Essence of Flame] and then catch the [203912|Flame Butterfly] as it bursts out.
Sys421917_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf big brother finds out I'm doing secret deals with the Black Blood Merchants he won't be too pleased, that's for sure!