result count: 5

Sys421965_nameExamine the Situation
Sys421965_szquest_accept_detailSo troublesome, we still have no big breakthrough in examining the [ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Spirit of Tempest Height]. \n\nWe already have been here for quite a time, but until now we only know that this place is the source of strange magical energies. \n\nI don't know about my brother Julius' actual research, maybe you could go to [ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Spirit of Tempest Height] in the south of [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] and have a look?
Sys421965_szquest_complete_detailNo doubt, this finding will surprise people! \nLook at the [203924|Magic Power Absorption Stone] in my hand. This is a proof of the fantastic phenomenon of [ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Spirit of Tempest Height]!
Sys421965_szquest_descGot to [ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Spirit of Tempest Height] and find out about [112348|Julius Faidley's] research.
Sys421965_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Macy smiles.)\nAh, if this work well, maybe people will look at us with other eyes.