result count: 5

Sys421997_nameWeapon Modification
Sys421997_szquest_accept_detail([112364|Gannalisa] looks at the weapon in his hand...)\n\nBut let me think... This weapon is not necessarily completely useless. If I add some stout horns, maybe that would make it more dangerous.\n\nBut what horns should I use? We'll experiment with some of the wildlife in the area first. Go bring me some [<S>203967|Antlers] from the [<S>100139|Giant Antler Reindeer]. When you get them, please be careful not to damage them too much.
Sys421997_szquest_complete_detailWow, you really are a good hunter.\n\nAnd these horns have been handled with great care, as well!
Sys421997_szquest_descAcquire 5 complete [<S>203967|Antlers] from the [<S>100139|Giant Antler Reindeer], and give those to [112364|Gannalisa].
Sys421997_szquest_uncomplete_detailOnce you've gotten me those [<S>203967|Giant Antler Reindeer Antlers], I can put them on the ends of the weapons, and they'll be something to see then...