result count: 4

Sys422020_nameMethods of Hunting
Sys422020_szquest_accept_detailHello. My name is [112380|Langford Baggins]. You definitely should do your best to remember this name. Maybe you haven't heard of me yet, but there will come a day when my name will be heard in the farthest corners of the world. That's because the name, Baggins, will become known as a world-famous hunting family!\n\nBut first, I will have to learn how to be a great hunter! Perhaps a good way to start off would be by learning the virtues of other hunters...\n\n[112391|Will Busey], the amazing hunter known by all here, usually goes to the area of [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] to hunt. Please go to him for me and ask him what one must do to become a great hunter.
Sys422020_szquest_complete_detailYou want to ask me how to become a great hunter?\n\nHa! Well, you've asked the right person.
Sys422020_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] and find [112391|Will Busey].