result count: 5

Sys422031_nameBlack Market Book
Sys422031_szquest_accept_detailEverybody is more or less interested in mysterious things. You aren't any different, are you?\n\nI recently tried a lot of methods and finally was able to contact a mysterious contact in the black market through a friend. I bought a legendary [204047|Black Market Book], but that organization is very concerned about being exposed so they put the book inside [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind] and told me to get it myself.\n\nYou don't mind helping me to go there once, do you? Adventurer, if we work together I will tell you the contents of the [204047|Black Market Book] when we get it.
Sys422031_szquest_complete_detailIt is said that the [204047|Black Market Book] contains records of black magic by a sorcerer that was banished by [110682|The Eye of Wisdom]. It is filled with forbidden black magic.\n\nI can't wait to read this book!
Sys422031_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind], find the [204047|Black Market Book] and bring it back to [112410|Tokamofi].
Sys422031_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you have enough money and guts, you can buy anything on the black market. Of course, you must find a way to contact them first.