result count: 9

SC_422032Don't fight. I'll give you the key for free!
SC_422032_1[112410|Tokamofi] said he doesn't want to pay. Please just give me the key.
SC_422032_2I accidentally lost the key. Please give me another one.
SC_422032_3I made some extra copies. Just take them and don't hit me again!
Sys422032_nameBring Back The Key
Sys422032_szquest_accept_detailEh? This book is locked? Why would it be locked?\n\nWait, there's a slip of paper on the cover, let me take a look at this...\n\n"The book is locked. That's right. If you want the key to unlock it, please pay another 1 million gold coins for the key - [112419|Kelimo]."\n\nThis is going too far! [112419|Kelimo] already took a large fee for introducing me to the black market contact. Now he actually wants to extort money for a key from me. This makes me really angry.\n\nPlease help me find [112419|Kelimo]. He wanders around [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. After teaching him a lesson, bring the [204048|Book Lock Key] back to me.
Sys422032_szquest_complete_detail[112419|Kelimo] won't dare to extort people for money again.\n\nA lot of time has been wasted. Hurry up and let me see what's written inside this book.
Sys422032_szquest_descFind [112419|Kelimo] in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. After teaching him a lesson, take the [204048|Book Lock Key] back to [112410|Tokamofi].
Sys422032_szquest_uncomplete_detail[112419|Kelimo] really is detestable. He actually wanted me to pay a million gold coins for a key. That wasn't part of the deal.