result count: 5

Sys422049_nameTake the Eggs
Sys422049_szquest_accept_detailWarrior, your firm bright eyes are like the stars in the sky. Your slight smile is like a warm spring breeze...\n\nHey, don't just ignore me and walk away. I'll get right to the point. Please bring me [<S>206167|Giant Spider Eggs] from the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers]. I'll give you a good price.\n\nGetting the eggs from a [103531|Giant Sewer Spider's] belly is no problem for you, right?
Sys422049_szquest_complete_detailLook at how fresh these [<S>206167|Giant Spider Eggs] are. Those fishermen are going to be happy!\n\nWarrior, this is your payment. Do you want use it to buy some of my products?
Sys422049_szquest_descGet [<S>206167|Giant Spider Eggs] from the belly of a [103531|Giant Sewer Spider] for [114421|Chuanpo Gelan].
Sys422049_szquest_uncomplete_detailWarrior, did you come back to help my business? Ha ha, just take a look.\n\nSome bored people buy [<S>206167|Giant Spider Eggs] to fish with. I have enough to sell for one day, so you can take your time.\n\nHey, do you see anything you want to buy?