result count: 5

Sys422168_nameMichael's Trick
Sys422168_szquest_accept_detailSuch crystal clear [<S>204264|Crystal Cartilages]! This can definitely get my brother's attention!\n\nBut before I go home I want to ask my dear friend to help me with something!\n\nPlease take this [204269|Package] to my dear brother, [112605|Juliano]. When he sees the [<S>204264|Crystal Cartilages] inside, his heart will soften! Then, remember to ask him to forgive me!
Sys422168_szquest_complete_detail[112602|Michael]? A [204269|Package]? That kid is always getting into worrisome situations!\n\n[<S>204264|Crystal Cartilages] from the [<S>101739|Weeping Coast Wild Rays]? What good is that? I just wish he could grow up safely, that's all! To me, there's nothing more important than him.
Sys422168_szquest_descHelp [112602|Michael Habin] take the [204269|Package] to [112605|Juliano Habin] in [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].
Sys422168_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho are you? [112602|Michael]? What's wrong with him? What happened?