result count: 5

Sys422220_nameLegend of the Teeth of the Reef
Sys422220_szquest_accept_detail(You find a name on the [204322|Broken Harpoon]. It reads "Neddy Mingstun." You think that perhaps innkeeper [112624|Loke Peng] at [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village] may know something about the name.)
Sys422220_szquest_complete_detailNeddy Mingstun? You're not talking about Neddy, the fishing legend, are you? Heavens above! That's a well-loved name. Everybody knows it along the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast]. Neddy was just like his father Jacob. Both were excellent fishermen and brave sailors. They defeated countless big fish and sea monsters. Most of the giant carcasses that line the shores of the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] are their handiwork. Need I go on?\n\nIt's such a pity, the Mingstun family is no more. They're all gone now, except for [112621|Howey Mingstun], who fishes at the [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Fishmouth Bay]. [112621|Howey] was Neddy's only son.\n\nI'll hang on to this harpoon for now. I'm sure that Old [112621|Howey] would want to see this part of his inheritance... but on the other hand, it also shows that the adversary he has spent his whole life hunting has already been defeated. It would be kinder to leave him his dream.\n\nI'll give him the harpoon when the time comes. Thanks for bringing it back, traveler. You're quickly becoming a legend on the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] yourself. Congratulations!
Sys422220_szquest_descTake the [204322|Broken Harpoon] you found on the Teeth of the Reef's carcass back to [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village] and ask [112624|Loke Peng] to identify it.
Sys422220_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Sigh)... this place is booming so why do I get the feeling that something is wrong?