result count: 5

Sys422226_nameHardworking Sous Chef
Sys422226_szquest_accept_detailWanted: 10 [<S>204434|Delicious Fish Filets] from [<S>101739|Weeping Coast Wild Rays]! \n\nInterested Parties see [112609|Abraham Tak], Sous Chef at the Boulderwind Inn.\n\nAlso, introducing the "Ray Fish Meal"! Try one today!\n\n(You notice the announcement is covered in corrections.)
Sys422226_szquest_complete_detailThanks a million! This latest menu is the one I have been working on lately!\n\nHaha... now that the Head Chef is away my big chance has arrived! But I need to pick up the pace if I'm going to perfect this dish!\n\nUgh... if you catch any more [<S>101739|Weeping Coast Wild Rays], I'll buy them all off you!
Sys422226_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>204434|Delicious Fish Filets] from the [<S>101739|Weeping Coast Wild Rays] and give them to [112609|Abraham Tak] at [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].
Sys422226_szquest_uncomplete_detailHello. One "Ray Fish Meal"?\n\nOh! You say you're here about the note on the notice board?\n\nIn that case, have you got the 10 fresh [<S>204434|Delicious Fish Filets]?