result count: 5

Sys422234_nameLovely Leathers
Sys422234_szquest_accept_detailHey kid. Do you know what bounty hunters do? If the pay is right, we'll tackle anything for our employers. And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING.\n\nOn this occasion our target are the mighty [<S>101786|Forest Leopards]. Who knows what these rich folks are thinking? Our client says he wants to use their [<S>204442|Beautiful Fur] to make a lovely coat that will impress his friends.\n\nI have no idea what he's going on about, but a job's a job!\n\nYou look well grown... How about earning a few extra bucks? You only need to collect 10 [<S>204442|Beautiful Fur] for the bounty. Not bad, huh? \n\nI should warn you, however, there is a terrible creature in the forest called "Troll" that has claimed the lives of many of my good companions. If you want this bounty, you'd better be careful!
Sys422234_szquest_complete_detail10 [<S>204442|Beautiful Fur] was just too easy for a hunter like you!\n\nOur employer has ordered a huge number of these [<S>204442|Beautiful Fur], but I think with your help we'll be able to fill the order very quickly.
Sys422234_szquest_descCollect 10 [101786|Forest Leopard] [<S>204442|Furs] and bring them back to [112615|Kulapik Cybon] in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest].
Sys422234_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe live for big bounties and the thrill of the hunt!\n\nI can tell, you're a thrill seeker like us! All the same, you should still be wary of the dangers that lurk inside the forest!