result count: 4

Sys422243_szquest_accept_detailOK, new champion. I'm [112794|Blinsik]. You still have some items to prepare before you go see your certification master...\n\nA master once said that a handy sword is the foundation for attack, a comfortable leather armor is the foundation for defense and a bottle of potion is the foundation for lifesaving.\n\n<CS>\n"Your Backpack"\nPress B or click the backpack image in the bottom right to open up the Backpack Interface. From this interface you can browse through all items stored in your backpack. You can click the tabs up top to switch pages.\n</CS>
Sys422243_szquest_complete_detailYou should know which items to bring right? Oh ya... Seems I forgot to mention where you can go to find them.\n\nDon't worry, the school will provide these items for free but you will have to go try them out yourself to see if they are suited to you and easy enough for you to use.\n\nOK, now let us get these items ready one by one.
Sys422243_szquest_descTalk to Master [112794|Blinsik] to get to know what you should prepare before going to meet the certification master.