result count: 4

Sys422244_nameThe Basics of Attack
Sys422244_szquest_accept_detailYou can find a handy weapon at the weapons store.\n\nPlease go to the north-east of the central square which is along the path ahead of me and you will find the weapons merchant, [112760|Samirat]. He has very sharp eyes. He'll help you choose a handy weapon.\n\n<CS>\n"Obtaining Items"\nAll items you receive in the game will automatically be placed in your backpack. If there is a new item in your backpack that you haven't yet checked, your backpack image will glow.\n</CS>
Sys422244_szquest_complete_detailIt's good that you are looking for handy weapons. If you were looking for elegant weapons, I'm out of stock here. I'll have to go to the kingdom to get more supplies.\n\nIf you have all the items that Master [112794|Blinsik] wanted you to get, please go back to see her!\n\n\n<CS>\n"Equipment"\nPress the B key or click the backpack image in the bottom right to open up the Backpack Interface. Right click a weapon, armor or accessory item to equip it.\n</CS>
Sys422244_szquest_descAccording to Master [112794|Blinsik's] instructions, go to the north-east of the central square and obtain weapons from the weapons merchant, [112760|Samirat].