result count: 5

Sys422306_nameCrisis Management
Sys422306_szquest_accept_detailNow that we've discussed food and fire, let's talk about disasters!\n\nDisasters are usually caused by carelessness, and can affect your journey! The best way to prevent a disaster from occurring is to start carefully! This is also why Elven champions must always be cautious and careful!\n\nIf you cannot prevent a crisis from occurring, you have to learn how to overcome it!\n\nAnd in the wild, disasters can occur very quickly but they can test your field reactions!\n\nNow, I want you to do some training. We will do simulation training shortly!
Sys422306_szquest_complete_detailThank the Holy King, the sensitivity of your reactions deserve credit!\n\nNow, the wilderness survival course has come to an end!\n\nChildren, if you study hard, I know your abilities will improve very quickly!
Sys422306_szquest_descFollow [112827|Augsi's] instructions, and begin simulation training.
Sys422306_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you ready?\n\nIf you're ready, let's begin simulation training!