result count: 10

SC_422309_0You cannot use the [204587|Wand] at present
SC_422309_1Heh heh heh... how can we do it right?
SC_422309_2Dropped her hair clip in the [ZONE_SAPIENCE DEN|Sabinean Cave], you say?
SC_422309_3Not a frog again!
SC_422309_4I just knew that [112827|Augsi] wasn't that nice!
Sys422309_nameTroublemaker's Fate
Sys422309_szquest_accept_detailBecause [112828|Walogowbi] liked to impede the training of others in class and make malicious and vulgar jokes, I was forced to turn him into a frog as punishment. I hoped he would use this opportunity to reflect!\n\nAn Elven champion must be mature and stable, and that kid showed no remorse, so he had to stay in that place and could not join the other Elven champions' journeys...I worried about this...\n\nBut child, now you've come to beg for him...I think perhaps now he's repented.\n\nI'm giving this [204587|Wand] to you! Just use it on [112829|Walogowbi], and he'll return to his original appearance!
Sys422309_szquest_complete_detailWow...finally back to my original appearance.\n\nThank the Holy King, I've never been so happy!\n\nNow...should I do something to thank those comrades who complained to [112827|Augsi]?
Sys422309_szquest_descUse the [204587|Wand] on [112829|Walogowbi].
Sys422309_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm so pitiful...turned into a frog...\n\nWith the Holy King as my witness, I've never done anything wrong.