result count: 5

Sys422338_nameSpore Mage's Peculiarity
Sys422338_szquest_accept_detail(Could the seemingly harmless [<S>101933|Spore Mages] be secretly hurting Elves?)\n\nMany students have reported being attacked by forest creatures when they meet near the [ZONE_SPORE MIRE|Spore Grove].\n\nThe vast majority have seen [<S>101933|Spore Mages] turning tail and hotfooting it away, disappearing before they can do anything about it.\n\nThese attacks are on the rise and student casualties continue to climb. We've also found that [<S>101933|Spore Mages] are reproducing faster and growing more powerful.\n\nFollowing discussions, the Masters decided to place an announcement on the bulletin board, calling on novices to avoid the [ZONE_SPORE MIRE|Spore Grove] and seniors to help reduce the number of [<S>101933|Spore Mages].\n\nMaster [112844|Torchas] is continuing the pursuit. May the Holy King protect you both.
Sys422338_szquest_complete_detailVery well done. The Holy King would be proud of you.
Sys422338_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>101933|Spore Mages] in the [ZONE_SPORE MIRE|Spore Grove].
Sys422338_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you're still not able to defend yourself, then please avoid [ZONE_SPORE MIRE|Spore Grove] for the time being.\n\nDuring the pursuit we aim to reduce the number of [<S>101933|Spore Mages].