result count: 5

Sys422402_nameReport Delivery
Sys422402_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, if you have some spare time, could you help me send this letter?\n\nI have a report that should be sent to the [SC_205_GOTO_PP2|Central Base Camp of the Reviver's Corridor].\n\nI can transport you there. You just have to give it to [113069|Fra Grey].
Sys422402_szquest_complete_detailOh? I've been waiting for this report!\n\nThanks so much for bringing it to me.
Sys422402_szquest_descGo to the [SC_205_GOTO_PP2|Central Base Camp of the Reviver's Corridor] and give the [205006|Research Team Test Report] to [113069|Fra Grey].
Sys422402_szquest_uncomplete_detail[113062|Lolin Caffey]... She's cute when she's serious, don't you think?