result count: 5

Sys422415_nameExpress Mail
Sys422415_szquest_accept_detailDrats! I forgot to send this document to [112042|Damdur]!\n\nCan you send it for me? [112042|Damdur] is in the [ZONE_TILEDGN_HYBORA_LABYRINTH_03|Royals' Refuge].\n\nIf you agree to help, I can transport you there.
Sys422415_szquest_complete_detail...Why is [112039|Bila Aido] always so confused?\n\nWas she the wrong person to be the one to connect with the outside world ... forget it! After all, I guessed that this sort of thing would happen. I've budgeted extra time for it... there's still time.\n\nI'm really thankful that you came. I'll ask for your help again if anything else comes up.
Sys422415_szquest_descTalk to [112039|Bila Aido] about transporting to the [SC_207_GOTO_PP0|Royals' Refuge Entrance Hall], then give the [205000|Research Team's Urgent Document] to [112042|Damdur].
Sys422415_szquest_uncomplete_detailThat report should have arrived yesterday? Could it be that something went wrong?